Sunday, October 15, 2006

Not a lot to say

I seem to be very busy lately but I don’t have a lot to post about.

Dax’s team took their first loss last week. It was a good game. The final score was 6-7, very exciting. They came back this week and won yesterday’s game. They have another game today.

I got me a tomato plant. We’ll see how long it takes me to kill it. I usually do fine with tomato plants when I can plant them in the ground but I still don't have much of a yard so I will be putting this one in a big container. Hopefully it will do better then the last one I did this to.

Here’s a progress picture for the sweater. The row I'm currently working on has 4 color changes in it. It's such a joy (not) to try and keep them untangled. I can manage two color changes fine but this is trying my patience.

1 comment:

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