Monday, March 12, 2007

House stuff

Rudy has been busy this week. He finished putting up the mantel for the fireplace. I don’t think the picture captures the height. It is a bit tall. But we will not mention to him that we are not giants.

He put in the railing to the steps. This also was a bit tall but he decided to draw the line here and took it down, shortened it and put it back. We still have to do some finishing on it, stain it and put in the plugs for the holes etc.

We also approved the granite for the kitchen counter tops. Not a very exciting picture but it does catch the blue specks that are in it.

Dax’s soccer also started. They won both the first game and the game they just had this weekend. This field is a bit inland. They have had a fire since we were last there, notice the trees in the back ground.

I think that is enough "alsos" for the day. Next post back to crafting, hopefully.


Anonymous said...

Nice job on both the fire place and the stairs. I bet you can't wait for the kitchen to be finished. That always seems to take forever! Man, those are some toasted pine trees!

Anonymous said...

Wowie, wow, wow. Rudy knows what he's doing. He does a very fine job. We could use him at our place. We have an unfinished basement, where we'd like to build a family.... er, toy room, among other things.

I can't believe how dry it is there!

Monika said...

It's amazing how nature recovers from disasters. How green the lawn is, and the poor trees in the background! Did you want to lean on the mantle? ;o) I envy you for the counter top, it looks gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful job on the recent projects Rudy. Can't wait to see the house, and everybody. love, Sue

Anonymous said...

So you have the mantel from Hagrid's house. It may be tall, but it sure looks nice. We are looking forward to seeing all the good works put into the house in person....10 days to go.

Monika said...

Thanks for your tip! First thing we checked was between her toes. She had a split nail once, very painful for her, but outward she's alright, nothing to see or feel.

RheLynn said...

Wonderful progress -- pretty stone for the fireplace!