Friday, February 23, 2007

Pirates and PJ's

I meant to update the blog at least once a week and I kind of fell behind. I did finish the pirate socks, yah. They actually turned out nice. Dax has already worn them to school. Lucky for her we have about the same size feet or else she wouldn’t have as nice of a selection of socks ;). I knitted these for the We Call them Pirates Knitalong but can't seem to make a post to the knitalong, which is fine. I'll just be content with my new pair of socks.

Pattern: Modified basic sock pattern using Hello Yarn chart
Needles: size 1
Yarn: The black is Knit picks, the white is Regia.

I also finished Dax’s pjs. This one is also getting a lot of use. The pattern was pretty simple to follow. I thought the top was a bit long, but Dax didn’t agree with me so I left it alone.

Pattern: Simplicity 5468

It hasn’t taken long for things to get back into full swing. Dax’s soccer practices have started. She also has a performance this weekend. They did an audition at the school for the “Elementary Music Festival Intermediate String Orchestra,” and she made the cut. It’s just a one time performance that is suppose to get the younger kids more familiar with playing in an Orchestra. She is very excited about it and is starting to ask me if she can audition for the Brevard Youth Orchestra. I’m thinking, isn’t your schedule already kind of packed? She replies with the audition isn’t till May. So we will see.

As for Tyde he went south last weekend and participated in a surf contest. No trophy but he did come home with some extra t-shirts and stickers, oh and sunburned face.

I’ve managed to get a job. It’s only part time/temporary and I don’t start till Monday. I’ll be working as an assistant in the library at an elementary school. Even though it’s only for a few months I’m pretty excited about it.

Well hopefully I will post more frequently.


Denise said...

Great socks!

Wait, probably more like this:
Arrr, them be some mighty fine socks, matey!

Do they come in a peg-leg version?

Deby said...

Those socks are just wonderful! You did a very nice job. I know some people who would want those if they saw them!

Anonymous said...

Those are great socks! I love the stripes on the toes, on the ribbing at the top, stripe down the side, design on the, everything. I wonder why you can't post to the KAL? Do you want me to do it for you somehow? I could refer them to your blog? These socks are so unique; it would be a shame if people couldn't see them.

Congratulations on your new job too!

Anonymous said...

Okay, you already know how rad the socks are; hello, your daughter wore them to school! nice. The p.j's are cute, you did a nice job on them. Good luck with the new job. I love libraries.

Anonymous said...

Love the socks! I really like the stripes on the toes.

Monika said...

Congratulations on your job! The socks are wonderful!

Kate said...

What fantastic socks! I knit the hat last year, and now I feel the urge for matching feets!

Cheryl said...

Those socks are totally awesome!!!!! Beautiful work.

Congrats on your new job.