Friday, February 23, 2007

Pirates and PJ's

I meant to update the blog at least once a week and I kind of fell behind. I did finish the pirate socks, yah. They actually turned out nice. Dax has already worn them to school. Lucky for her we have about the same size feet or else she wouldn’t have as nice of a selection of socks ;). I knitted these for the We Call them Pirates Knitalong but can't seem to make a post to the knitalong, which is fine. I'll just be content with my new pair of socks.

Pattern: Modified basic sock pattern using Hello Yarn chart
Needles: size 1
Yarn: The black is Knit picks, the white is Regia.

I also finished Dax’s pjs. This one is also getting a lot of use. The pattern was pretty simple to follow. I thought the top was a bit long, but Dax didn’t agree with me so I left it alone.

Pattern: Simplicity 5468

It hasn’t taken long for things to get back into full swing. Dax’s soccer practices have started. She also has a performance this weekend. They did an audition at the school for the “Elementary Music Festival Intermediate String Orchestra,” and she made the cut. It’s just a one time performance that is suppose to get the younger kids more familiar with playing in an Orchestra. She is very excited about it and is starting to ask me if she can audition for the Brevard Youth Orchestra. I’m thinking, isn’t your schedule already kind of packed? She replies with the audition isn’t till May. So we will see.

As for Tyde he went south last weekend and participated in a surf contest. No trophy but he did come home with some extra t-shirts and stickers, oh and sunburned face.

I’ve managed to get a job. It’s only part time/temporary and I don’t start till Monday. I’ll be working as an assistant in the library at an elementary school. Even though it’s only for a few months I’m pretty excited about it.

Well hopefully I will post more frequently.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

No crafting

Not any crafting in this post. I haven’t had as much time this week to craft. We did have some visitors last weekend, a birthday and a long awaited delivery.

The visitors were Sam and Sierra. Sam was here on business and Sierra came to do an audition in Orlando. They were only here for a few days but it was great to see them. On one of the days we walked to the beach to feed the birds. The birds seem to be starving in the winter. They will practically land on you to take bread out of your hand. If you do this in the summer, they will not even notice you.

The birthday was Tyde’s. He is now fourteen. Can you guess what we got him for his birthday?

No not the boat, the basketball goal.

Finally we got the call that more of the kitchen cabinets are done. We are still waiting on the breakfast bar and the wall cabinets. I hope it doesn’t take another nine months for those.

Rohan wouldn’t get out of the picture. The kids said he likes to sit in front of the cabinets because he is camouflaged.

Friday, February 02, 2007


Arrr, mateys there be socks fit for a pirate in the making. Here’s the progress on the Pirate knitalong project.

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. I wish I had saw the one from Katydid Knits about alternating the skulls. I think I would have tried that but I had already frogged it. I did change it a little bit. I added more stitches and kept to a size 1 needle.

Another project in the making, a quilt. This is a year long project, maybe more. A quilt store is doing this block of the month thing. I get a new block each month and supposedly by the end of the year I have a quilt. I’ve done this before but have yet completed the quilt. Here is the first block. I was showing it to Rudy and asked him if it looked kind of like a swastika and he said yeah. Then asked me what kind of quilt I was making.

It is suppose to look like this when it is done. I think I will do like my sister and omit the pineapple design in the middle and put some blocks there instead.

Dax is also really getting into crocheting. She made another project from the Klutz book. I don’t really crochet very much. So I’m not very wise to the crochet ways but I noticed that this little bag she made is very sturdy and well, for lack of a better word, tight. If it was anymore tighter it could probably hold water.

And now for the news everybody has been waiting for.

Phil Says Spring is Right Around the Corner!

Yes you heard it right, the groundhog did not see his shadow.